National Performance Tables 16-18

To access the National Performance Tables 16-18, please click here.  You can then search for the relevant schools or colleges.

Some headline figures for Cheam High School are shown below:

Results below are a summary of Performance Table information.  These measures only include students who are 16 – 18, ignoring those who are in their third year of study in the sixth form and those (for progress measures) who have come from overseas or have other reasons for not holding UK KS4 qualifications.  These results are, therefore, not the same as overall results achieved for the Year 13 cohort.  These results do not include some level 3 qualifications offered by the school and accepted by universities.

Some students are included in more than one group eg a student who studies an A level and also a level 3 Technical Qualification will appear in both Academic Qualifications and Technical Qualfications.

Headline figures and student destinations for 2023 can be found here


Outcomes for students in Summer 2020, 2021, 2022 & 2023

There are no national figures for the school's progress due to the Covid disruption.  

Student Destinations (2020)

These figures look at the percentage continuing in education or employment at the end of the 16-18 phase of their studies.

86% of our students were in education or employment compared to the national figure of 79%.

Outcomes for students in Summer 2019

Academic Qualifications including A levels

These figures are based on students who have taken at least one AS level or another level 3 academic qualification (i.e. non-vocational) of similar size.

The school’s progress score was 0.25 for A level outcomes and 0.25 for Academic Qualifications.

The average result was grade C+.

Applied General Qualifications

These are qualifications that provide broad study of a vocational area and are designed to lead to higher education eg business, health and social care etc.

Figures are based on those entered for at least one qualification equal or larger to the size of an AS qualification.

The school’s progress score was 0.04.

The average result was Merit+. 

Progress in English and Mathematics

For those who did not have a grade C or higher in English and/or Mathematics, the progress made over the year is recorded as follows:

English: 4 students.  Progress score of 0.43.

Mathematics: 15 students. Progress score of 0.56.

Student Destinations (2019)

These figures look at the percentage continuing in education or employment at the end of the 16-18 phase of their studies.

73% of our students were in education or employment compared to the national figure of 66%.

Outcomes for students in Summer 2018 

Academic Qualifications including A levels

These figures are based on students who have taken at least one AS level or another level 3 academic qualification (i.e. non-vocational) of similar size.

The school’s progress score was -0.12 for A level outcomes and -0.11 for Academic Qualifications.

The average result was grade C.

Applied General Qualifications

These are qualifications that provide broad study of a vocational area and are designed to lead to higher education eg business, health and social care etc.

Figures are based on those entered for at least one qualification equal or larger to the size of an AS qualification.

The school’s progress score was 0.18.

The average result was Distinction-. 

Progress in English and Mathematics

For those who did not have a grade C or higher in English and/or Mathematics, the progress made over the year is recorded as follows:

English: 9 students.  Progress score of 0.30.

Mathematics: 7 students. Progress score of 0.43.

Outcomes for students in Summer 2017 

Academic Qualifications including A levels

These figures are based on students who have taken at least one AS level or another level 3 academic qualification (i.e. non-vocational) of similar size.

There were 195 students who were included in this measure.  The school’s progress score was 0.18 for A level outcomes and 0.16 for Academic Qualifications, significantly above the National Average of 0.00.

The average result was grade C.

Applied General Qualifications

These are qualifications that provide broad study of a vocational area and are designed to lead to higher education eg business, health and social care etc.

Figures are based on those entered for at least one qualification equal or larger to the size of an AS qualification.

There were 97 students included in this measure, with 122 entries.  The school’s progress score was 0.67, significantly above the National Average of 0.00.

The average result was Distinction*-. 

Progress in English and Mathematics

For those who did not have a grade C or higher in English and/or Mathematics, the progress made over the year is recorded as follows:

English: 3 students.  Progress score of -0.67.

However, there were 21 students in the sixth form in September 2016 did not have the requisite grade in English.  By Summer 2017, 18 had gained at least a grade C/4, (one sitting as an external candidate), 1 remained at grade D/3 and 2 left without completing the course.

Mathematics: 10 students. Progress score of 0.90.

However, there were 12 students in the sixth form in September 2016 did not have the requisite grade in Mathematics.  By Summer 2017, 6 had gained at least a grade C, 5 had achieved grade D, with 4 of these having improved by one grade since September and a further student improved their Mathematics grade by 1 grade. Those students that have yet to gain a C equivalent will continue to follow the course this year, entering the new GCSE specification in June 2018.

Outcomes for students in Summer 2016

Results below are a summary of Performance Table information.  These measures only include students who are 16 – 18, ignoring those who are in their third year of study in the sixth form and those (for progress measures) who have come from overseas or have other reasons for not holding UK KS4 qualifications.  These results are, therefore, not the same as overall results achieved for the Year 13 cohort.  These results do not include some level 3 qualifications offered by the school and accepted by universities.

Some students are included in more than one group eg a student who studies an A level and also a level 3 Technical Qualification will appear in both Academic Qualifications and Technical Qualfications.

Academic Qualifications including A levels (2016)

These figures are based on students who have taken at least one AS level or another level 3 academic qualification (i.e. non-vocational) of similar size. 

There were 225 students who were included in this measure, 174 of whom took mainly A levels.

The school’s progress score was 0.07 for both A level outcomes and Academic Qualifications, above the National Average of 0.00.  A score of 0.10 would have been counted as significantly above national progress figures.

There were 699 entries for Academic Qualifications, including 685 A level entries.  The difference between the 225 students counted in this measure and the 174 taking mainly A levels is a reflection of the numbers of students who take a mixture of A levels and Applied General/Technical Qualifications.

The average grade achieved was a grade C equivalent, compared to a National Grade attainment of C+.  However, when looking at the grades of students taking 3 A levels (112 students), the average grade matched national attainment with a score of C+.

97.7% of students completed their main study programme compared to a national figure of 96.1%.

Applied General Qualifications (2016)

These are qualifications that provide broad study of a vocational area and are designed to lead to higher education eg business, health and social care etc.

Figures are based on those entered for at least one qualification equal or larger to the size of an AS qualification.

There were 110 students included in this measure, with 135 entries.  The school’s progress score was 0.46, significantly above the National Average of 0.00.  A score of 0.25 was the point at which performance became significantly above average. 

The average result was Distinction (41 points) compared to the National figure of Distinction (35 points). 

73 students were following mainly these courses.  82% of these students completed their main study programme compared to a national figure of 88%.

Technical Qualifications (2016)

These are qualifications for students wishing to develop the specialist skills and knowledge for a technical occupation or industry.  eg IT, accountancy

Figures are based on those entered for at least one qualification equal or larger to the size of an AS qualification.

There were 67 students included in this measure, with 82 entries.  

The school’s completion/attainment score was 1.12 compared to a national figure of 0.00.  The average result was a Distinction* (47 points) compared to the national outcome of a Distinction- (31 points). 

13 students were following mainly these courses.  85% of these students completed their main study programme compared to a national figure of 89%.

Progress in English and Mathematics (2016)

For those who did not have a grade C or higher in English and/or Mathematics, the progress made over the year is recorded as follows:

English: 13 students continued with English GCSE, with a progress score of 0.08, above the national figure of -0.10

Mathematics: 21 students continued with Mathematics GCSE, with a progress score of 0.19, above the national figure of -0.13.