The SHARP System
Don't Suffer In Silence, Make A Report.
Welcome to the School Help Advice Reporting Page System (SHARP System).
This referral system has been put in to place in order to support and encourage students to report any incidents of unkindness whether it be in school, out of school or on social media.
If you have witnessed or experienced any form of unkindness, please complete the referral page in as much detail as possible so that we can help resolve the issue.
Please take the time to look through the pages via this link, where you can get in touch using the 'Make Report' button.
This is a private way to get in touch so that we, as a school, can help individuals have a happy and successful time at Cheam High School.
Please be aware that messages will not be seen out of school hours or during the school holidays. Please use the Links Page (via the SHARP System homepage menu) to seek alternative guidance.