Grouping arrangements for learning (Years 7 - 11)
Key Stage 3
At Key Stage 3 (KS3), which is Years 7 and 8 at Cheam High School, students are divided into two equivalent bands, K and Q.
Each of these two bands is divided into six teaching sets for the core subjects of English, Mathematics and associated subjects. Students are taught in the same classes for English, French, History, Geography and Technology. For Science, Art, Drama, Music, IT and Life students are taught in Mathematics sets. PE/Games are taught in their bands and grouped as appropriate by the PE department.
There is a top and second set (set 1+2) in each band, with two or three middle sets (depending on the band), as well as an additional support set, which benefits from additional learning support in all classroom lessons.
Teaching sets with the same number in each of the bands are broadly equivalent eg K1 is equivalent to Q1.
All lettered groups are equivalent eg KH is equivalent to KS which is equivalent to QC etc.
Students are allocated to core subjects sets according to information gathered from primary schools and from any tests or assessments which they may have taken prior to joining the school. It is possible, and likely, that pupils will be in different sets for different core subjects eg it is possible for a child to be in set 1 for English and a middle set for Mathematics.
The settings of students are reviewed during the year and students are moved at the discretion of the English or Mathematics Curriculum Leader.
Key Stage 4
In the Upper School (Years 9, 10 & 11) students are also divided into two equivalent bands, with equal number of students in each, for the core subjects of English, Mathematics, Science and Languages, which are set within each band. Option subjects are taught across the year group. PE/Games is taught in (usually) single sex groups across the half band. Students choose their options for KS4 during Year 8. Guidance on the options available is given through a 13+ Evening, a subject evening, options booklet and work within LIFE lessons on careers.
Set changes for all year groups in core subjects can be made at any time and are decided by Core Curriculum Leaders in consultation with subject teachers.