Register of Governors' Business Interests
Cheam High School Local Governing Body – Register of Business Interests at 9th December 2024 (to include all Governors in post over previous 12 months)
Name |
Relevant Business/Pecuniary Interests |
Governance Roles in other Educational Establishments |
Material Interests Arising From Relationships Between Governors or Governors & School Staff including spouses, partners and close relatives |
Miss R Allott |
Director of Cognus (Sutton) Director of Wilsons Trust Member of Schools Forum (Sutton) Member of Cirrus Trust |
None |
None |
Mr D Batt |
None | None |
None |
Ms J Buckell |
Careers / Higher Education Lead at Therfield School | None | None |
Mr P Chapelhow | None |
None |
None |
Mrs A Escritt |
QA Ltd - Training | None | None |
Mr J Farrer |
None | None | None |
Mr R Gadd | Headteacher at Brookways School, Sutton | None | None |
Mr B Goldie |
None |
None |
None |
Mrs L Hutton | None | Staff Governor at current school | None |
Mr E Laccohee | None | Governor at Cheam Fields Primary School | None |
Mrs K Litchfield | None | None | None |
Ms S Liu | None | None |
None |
Mrs D Love | Director of Estates and Services at LEO Academy Trust | None | None |
Ms M McLeish | None | None |
None |
Mr P Naudi |
Chair of Vulnerable Pupil Panel |
Governor at the Limes College |
None |
Mr R Newman | None | None |
None |
Mr E Oswick | None | None |
None |
Miss A Pelling | None | Chair of Governors at Carew Academy |
None |
Mrs N Roberts |
Maths Hub Lead at Harris Federation |
None | None |
Mrs R Sawyers |
None | None |
Miss A Smith | None | None |
None |
Miss A Squires | ECF Facilitator | None |
None |
Mr P Vosper | None | None |
None |