First Aid Information
The school has trained first aiders in the school office who are able to deal with minor injuries and children who are taken ill in school. Parents/carers who do not want their child treated by a first aider for minor injuries must write to the school stating this.
What happens if a child feels unwell during the school day?
Students who are unwell during the school day must report to the school office so a first aider can assess them. The first aider will contact home if there are concerns about carrying on during the school day and/or in the case of serious illness or injury.
What happens if my child needs medication during the school day?
Medicines required by students during school hours may be administered/supervised by the school’s first aider acting in loco parentis.
Students should not carry any medication on them except for adrenaline pens (e.g. EpiPen/Jext) and asthma inhalers. All other medication should be brought into the school office first thing in the morning, with a note giving the first aider consent to administer this, and detailing any medication the student may have already taken that day.
Supplies of long term medication can be held in the medical room with a signed parental consent form.
Consent forms can be downloaded here.
What sort of things can be treated or assessed by the first aider?
- Complaints about feeling hot or running a temperature
- Sickness
- Nosebleeds
- Insect stings/bites
- Burns or scalds
- Accidental injuries
- Rashes
- Minor Head Injuries
What common ailments can the first aider NOT treat?
- Sore throats, coughs and colds; as a school we do not hold any cough mixtures, throat sweets or any other remedies.
- Hay fever; we can only offer saline solution to bathe their eyes.
- Headaches/migraines; we can only offer cold water and somewhere quiet to rest.
Unless medication has been provided by the parent/carer with appropriate authorisation, the school can not provide paracetamol, aspirins or other medications. Similarly, we are not allowed to administer antiseptic creams or lotions.
Further Information is available on: