FAQ about SEND support

FAQMy child has just had a diagnosis of ASC (autism). Does this mean that they should be on the SEND register?

We would issue a Pupil Passport so teachers know how to meet need, enrol the student on appropriate interventions and issue a SEND support plan if needed. If a SEND support plan was issued, because your child needed a level of intervention that requires sustained targeted support, then they would also be on the SEND register.

I want my child to see the EP. Can you make a referral?

Referrals will be made by the school where concerns meet the threshold for referral and where:

  • the individual student has not responded to strategies put into place by the school;
  • further specialist advice needs to be sought;
  • where progress shows a widening gap between students and peers with progress below that expected given starting points.


My child is receiving a high number of sanctions and another professional has said they need an EHCP. Can this be put in place?

An application for an EHCP will normally be the last step taken when:

  • a significant amount of interventions and support have already been put into place over a sustained period of time
  • the school and parents/carers feel that, without additional funding provided by the Local Authority, the student is at a significant disadvantage to their peers as support needed can not be otherwise provided.
  • the child needs to access special school provision or equivalent

Where a student is identified as having SEND, the school will take action to remove barriers to learning and put effective special educational provision in place.  These first steps are necessary before the above requirements can be met.

This SEND support should take the form of a four-part cycle through which earlier decisions and actions are revisited (with parents/carers), refined and revised with a growing understanding of the student’s needs and of what supports the student in making good progress and securing good outcomes. This is known as the graduated approach.

We would issue a Pupil Passport so teachers know how to meet need, enrol the student on appropriate interventions and issue a SEND support plan if needed as part of this process.  More information about the graduated approach and SEND Support plans can be found on the website.

What should I do if I think my child has a special educational need or disability? Who do I contact?

Please contact senco@cheam.sutton.sch.uk or ring the school and ask for them to contact you.

How are adaptations made to the curriculum and learning environment for those students with physical or sensory needs?

  • Access to all buildings can be gained by wheelchair users
  • Specialist rooms are accessible by those with mobility difficulties either because they are situated on the ground floor or because lifts are available
  • External stairways and colour schemes are suitable for those with visual impairment
  • Sensory support is made available as and when needed and advice is taken from specialist professionals at the borough
  • There is a sensory room available in the SEND area with bean bags and soft lighting to support targeted students
  • Reasonable adjustments are made to support students e.g. a reduced timetable for those with medical needs as they recover
  • individuals will receive advise or be given strategies to help with potential sensory overload

The school implements its duties under the Equality Act 2010.  

Can students with a special educational need engage in extra-curricular clubs and activities with those in the school who do not have a special educational need?

Yes. The school provides a range of extra-curricular clubs and activities open to all students, regardless of SEND

Homework Club is staffed by members of the SEND Team who are available to support students with their homework

Students are also encouraged to take part in school events, whether this be during Open Evenings, Performing Arts events or Talent Shows – to name but a few.