Student Council
Who are the Student Council members for 2024-25?
The Student Council is comprised of representatives from each Year Group. For the current academic year, the representatives are as follows:
Year 7: Kaitlyn, Ben and Ella |
Year 8: Talisha and Mayah |
Year 9: Rohail, Gabriella, Hallie and Eva |
Year 10: Sophie, Rayan, Kashan, Marilyn, Charlotte, Mamoon and Dawid |
Year 11: Leila and Hannah |
There are also additional student representatives who attend meetings from the Cheam Pride and UAR Groups and the Sixth Form Leadership Team.
The Student Council's Objectives
- To gather the students' views on aspects of school life
- To represent students' views at Student Council meetings so that these can be fed back to the school's management
- To meet regularly with leadership
- To help to identify areas of school which would benefit from improvement
- To raise with the student body any issues which are a cause of concern
- To look at a wide variety of areas of school life, such as the school's behaviour culture, values and rewards systems
- To give students an insight into citizenship
- To represent the student body in meetings with visitors
- To discuss issues relating to the canteen and how we can support and develop what is offered to students
Student Council Meetings This Year
The student council meet with Mr Newman and Miss Darke and additional members of the Leadership Team on a weekly basis. They have had a very productive Autumn Term and look forward to more achievements in 2025.
So far this year the Student Council have:
- Organised the visit of the local MP, Luke Taylor and ran an informative Q and A session with him
- Prepared for Open Evening and ran a stall during this event to explain the work of the Student Council
- Organised a Foodbank Collection on Friday 18th October which raised 286kg in food for families in need
- Run a charity donut sale which raised over £200 for a local charity Momentum which helps families in need:
- Prepared for an assembly about advantages and dangers of social media which will be delivered during the Spring Term
- Given feedback about the school's systems of rewards and helped to give input to reshaping these as we move forward as a school
We look forward to furthering the work of the Student Council over the coming term and students should talk to their representatives if they have anything they would like to discuss.