Home School Agreement

As a school, we will:

Promote the school’s core values of Respect & Responsibility, Aspiration & Determination and Curiosity & Character, to help your child fulfil their potential academically and personally.

Provide a rich, diverse and stimulating education with a broad and balanced curriculum, delivered in a safe, supportive and well-ordered environment, with high expectations of students’ learning and behaviour.

Ensure equal opportunities for all students.

Promote understanding, respect and tolerance of others in line with the school’s core values.

Care for your child’s safety and well-being and meet the individual needs of your child wherever possible.

Set and monitor homework and provide facilities for students to do homework in school.

Keep you informed about general school matters and issues relating to the work, behaviour and attendance of your child, as well as wider school matters.

Ensure that communication with parent(s)/carer(s) from the school is respectful and polite.


As parent(s)/carer(s), you agree to:

Ensure that my child has the best possible attendance and punctuality record, arrives at school in the correct uniform and is properly equipped for all lessons.

Make the school aware of any concerns or problems that might affect my child’s work or behaviour.

Support the school over matters of discipline and ensure that my child understands and conforms to the school’s code of conduct and the school’s anti-bullying policy.

Monitor my child’s work at home and encourage the best possible standards.

Attend school events (such as subject-teacher meetings or information evenings) and engage readily in discussions about my child’s progress.

Encourage my child to take a full and active part in school life, including enrichment activities.

Ensure the school is informed of any changes in family circumstances or contact details.

Keep informed of school matters by reading the Cheam High Flyer, monitoring online systems and/or checking the school website.

Work in partnership with the school to promote my child’s development.

Ensure that all communication with school staff is respectful and polite.


As students, you agree to:

Aim to embody the school's core values of Respect & Responsibility, Aspiration & Determination and Curiosity & Character, to help me fulfil my potential academically and personally.

Respect and tolerate the feelings of others and understand how my my actions could affect them.

Be polite, co-operative and honest in my dealings with others and ensure that my behaviour supports a safe and secure environment for all.

Follow staff instructions first time, every time.  

Complete all my classwork and homework as well as I can and take part in at least one extra-curricular enrichment activity.

Respect both school and others’ property and keep the school looking smart and tidy.

Attend every school day (except during significant illness or exceptional circumstances).

Be properly equipped and punctual for school and my lessons.

Wear the school uniform and be smart in appearance at all times, including when travelling to and from school.

Follow the school’s code of conduct and use of ICT school guidelines.

Conduct myself respectfully in the local community and represent the school to the best of my ability.