SEND Information report

The SEN Team and contacting the SEN department

The SEN Department is an outstanding team who offers training, advice and support to all staff and ensures all students with SEN are well looked after. The SEN Team consists of a Trust SENCO, SENCO and Deputy SENCO, who are able to represent the views of the school on key SEN students to outside agencies very effectively. The SEN Team at Cheam is led by the SENCO Ms S Chowdhury. More information regarding the SEN Team at Cheam can be found here:

The SEN team can be contacted via a dedicated SEN email address:

What parents/carers say

Parents continue to be very impressed with the provision we provide for our SEN students.  Parents have also praised the communication, the support and have been delighted with the progress made and the confidence shown by their child.   Quotes include:

“My son has been very happy in his first year in Cheam High School; he has settled in fantastically and really grown in confidence”     Year 7 parent/carer

“I am really happy with all the support my daughter has received.  She has been supported so well throughout her time at Cheam High School.  The communication has been really good; she has made fantastic progress”   Year 11 parents/carer     

Curriculum and identifying children and young people with SEN

Cheam High School provides all students, including those with SEND, with access to a broad and balanced curriculum. It is ambitious and responds to the needs of the students. At the start of Year 7, baseline and cognitive assessments are carried out to ensure the early identification of possible SEN needs or learning difficulties. Student progress is monitored throughout the academic year and where underperformance has been identified, the school follows the graduated approach, to attempt to remove any barriers to learning. More information regarding how Cheam High School implements this can be found here:

Exemplary practices have been demonstrated in a number of subject areas during Learning Walks. High expectations, questions and activities pitched to challenge and/or scaffold (breakdown activities into smaller chunks) led to outstanding outcomes for students over a period of time. LSAs are used effectively to support students' learning. The Personalised Learning Unit (PLUS) continues to support students and staff in modifying student behaviour to allow more successful outcomes.  More information on PLUS can be found here:

Interventions to support students:

Following the graduated approach there are a number of interventions the school uses to support SEN students, disadvantaged students and those who have been identified as requiring support in a specific area.

Fresh Start, Direct Instruction and the Communications course for catch-up students continues. Speech and Language targets from the borough are very specific and students who are recommended by the school are assessed to support appropriate intervention being put in place.

Interventions in place include homework club, a social skill, subject specific support in numeracy, handwriting and as well as a nurture group. We have introduced the GL LASS assessment, a screening programme to determine if students have Dyslexia type tendencies and /or literacy difficulties. Results are available immediately and give the probability of dyslexia and guidance on strategies to use which have been shared with staff, parents/carers and the student concerned.  Some students in Years 9 - 11 take the functional skills examination.  

The ‘Accelerated Reader’ intervention has been implemented for those whose reading ages are plateauing.  Students have small group or 1-1 intervention with an LSA at tutor time in addition to their normal access.  Accelerated Reader has also been utilised by those students who are not in QA/KA but have scored below 100 in KS2 tests.

The English department has also implemented Reading Fluency interventions at KS3. Students are identified for this intervention through the school’s STAR reader and NRT programme. The English and SEN department identify students who would continue to benefit from literacy interventions at KS4 through other internal assessments.

More information regarding assessments and interventions the school uses can be found here:

The SEN Register and key figures

The SEN Register is an internal school record, which identifies students with Special Educational Needs. At Cheam High, the SEN Register can be found on an internal software programme known as Integris (the school’s Management Information System). More information regarding the SEN Register can be found here:

As of October 2023:

  • 10.6% of the school’s total student population is recorded as having SEN
  • 2.7% of the school’s total student population has an EHCP
  • 7.9% of the school’s total student population is recorded as SEN Support (Please note that this figure will change
  • throughout the academic year as and when students move on and off the SEN Register)


Outcomes in 2023

There were 7 students with EHCP plans in Year 11 who achieved exceptionally well given their starting points.

Highlights include, 1 EHCP student achieving: a 5 in English Lang., a 6 in English Lit., a 4 n Maths, a double 4 in Science, a 4 in Geography, a 6 in History, a 5 in French and a Merit in Food Technology. Another EHCP student achieved: a 4 in English Lang., a 6 in English Lit., a 4 in Maths, a double 4 in Science, a 4 in Geography, a 4 in French, a 3 in Art and a 5 in Textiles. Three students with an EHCP have returned to join the mainstream sixth form to study level 3 courses. The remaining four students have progressed onto college to study their chosen subjects. 

Students on School Support at KS4 have a range of SEN needs but predominately fall into the SEMH and Cognition and Learning area of needs. Students supported at a school support level have successfully progressed onto college to study their chosen subjects.

We had 1 EHCP student in Year 13 studying level 3 courses. They went onto achieve a distinction in BTECH Computing, D in Criminology and a D in Art and Design. 

Students from the PEP group (closed August 2024) have gone onto college and other provisions in line with their support plans.  These students make excellent progress. 

Reviewing SEN provision and involving the student and their families

More information regarding Cheam High School’s communication with parents can be found here:

Admissions and Transitions

Cheam High School are proud of their transition process and the support in place for prospective students, current students and their families. Information regarding our admissions and transition process can be found here:

Evaluating the effectiveness of provision on offer

The school uses a range of measures to evaluate the quality of our SEND and Early help provision. Much of this relates to the self-evaluations process of the school. Information regarding the evaluation of SEND provision can be found here:

SEN Policy

The school’s SEN policy, including all school policy can be found here:

Local offer

More information regarding Sutton’s Local Offer can be found here:

More information regarding Sutton’s SEN services can be found here:

Sharing good SEND Practice

The school is committed to working with other partners and professionals in order to develop and share best practice.  This then supports our students to make good and outstanding progress, academically and/or in their personal development.

To support this process we:

  • have a Trust SENCO that works across the Trust schools to ensure that we use the best practice from each school.
  • take an active part in the local SENCo Clusters, sharing strategies and problem solving across schools.
  • use Assistant Psychologists within the school to support targeted and specialist interventions. 
  • share the way we use our SEND funding to support review of provision.
  • undertake regular reviews of our provision, including signing up for the peer cluster review programme.
  • provide training for our teaching and support staff.  This includes in house best practice, using more experienced staff and those with particular expertise as well as using external professionals such as Speech and Language therapists, Occupational Therapists and Educational Psychologists.
  • take advantage of training across the local area.  This includes Autism Champion Training and ELKLAN Training.
  • use online training to support those new to roles within the SEND team, and have a strong line management process to ensure that staff are supported in their work.

The school is also committed to Quality First Teaching as the first universal approach to help all students learn and make progress. 

We promote and support the development of our teachers through subject specific and cross department training taking account of feedback from lesson visits, performance management reviews and student voice feedback.

Finally, we host visits to our SEN department to share what we do.


Further information on SEN, including Cheam High School's SEN Offer can be found here.