Sharing good SEND practice
Improving what we do
The school is committed to working with other partners and professionals in order to develop and share best practice. This then supports our students to make good and outstanding progress, academically and/or in their personal development.
To support this process we:
- Have a Trust SENCO that works across the Trust schools to ensure that we use the best practice from each school
- Take an active part in the local SENCo Clusters, sharing strategies and problem solving across schools
- Use Assistant Psychologists within the school to support targeted and specialist interventions
- Share the way we use our SEND funding to support review of provision
- Undertake regular reviews of our provision, including signing up for the peer cluster review programme
- Provide training for our teaching and support staff. This includes in house best practice, using more experienced staff and those with particular expertise as well as using external professionals such as Speech and Language therapists, Occupational Therapists and Educational Psychologists
- Have Leading LSAs to support best practice across the LSA team
- Take advantage of training across the local area. This includes ELKLAN and ELSA training
- Use online training to support those new to roles within the SEND team, and have a strong line management process to ensure that staff are supported in their work
The school is also committed to Quality First Teaching as the first universal approach to help all students learn and make progress. We promote and support the development of our teachers through subject specific and cross department training taking account of feedback from lesson visits, performance management reviews and student voice feedback.
Finally, we host visits to our SEN departments and bases to share what we do.