Detention Procedures


All parents/carers and students are provided with log-in details for our IRIS system which allows you to see which detentions have been set, how long they are and when they are scheduled to take place.  Minor 10 minute ‘personal detentions’ set by classroom teachers may not appear here, but all Year, Department, School, Leadership and Key Stage detentions (all of which are held after school) are scheduled and shown. 

Tutors remind their tutees of any detentions in tutor time each morning and Year Teams also remind students of which detentions they need to sit on a daily basis.  Students are encouraged to check Year Team detention lists at their Year Team’s office if in any doubt. 



The summary details (why the detention was given, the duration and type of detention) are available for you to view on IRIS (our on-line reward and behaviour system), together with rewards and other information.  Please note: we cannot share the full details of a behavioural issue automatically as the record from the staff member may include reference to students for whom you do not have parental responsibility.  

IRIS can be accessed via the School Website (see below).  

For a brief overview of IRIS, and a guidance sheet for how to log on and how to access the relevant information, please click on the link below:


Detentions are an important part of our discipline structure.  Students must complete detentions set or face serious consequences.  This ensures that students take ownership of their behaviour for small issues and maintains high standards of conduct in the school community.

Escalation is as follows for any student that fails to attend (FTA) one of the detentions shown below:

• FTA Year or Department detention (30 minutes) escalates to Leadership detention (90 minutes).

• FTA Leadership (90) minutes leads to 1 days on-site exclusion and the requirement to complete the Leadership (90 minutes) detention at the end of this day. 

Any student who disrupts a detention will be given one warning; if the disruption continues, then he/she will be asked to leave.  This will then usually lead to the escalation of the detention to the next level (in the same way as those who do not attend – see above).

Please note: sanctions for any student who repeatedly fails to attend detentions will escalate to suspension from school.  In an extreme case, persistent failure to engage in the disciplinary structures of the school could result in permanent exclusion.

Please support your child to complete the sanction set in a sensible and appropriate manner and avoid more serious consequences.


Detentions will be rescheduled where a student is not in school to attend; this will usually be the day of return.  Please use the IRIS log on to see both past detentions given as well as upcoming and rescheduled detentions.


Notification of detentions will show these as starting at 3 pm.  It is possible that a student could accrue two detentions on one night which should be completed one after the other. The system also allows any personal detentions of 5,10,15 or 20 minutes set by staff on the same day to be attended before the student attends a Department or Year Detention, for example.

Students start their time once they are seated and ready to work in the detention room.  A student who arrives later than this time will not be viewed to start completing their detention until such time as they are seated in the detention room ready to work.  For example, a child with a 60 minute School Detention who arrives at 3.10pm, will leave at 4.10pm.


Please note: the above provides guidance as to general procedures in the school.  There may be some exceptional cases where amendments to procedures or special arrangements are appropriate.  Anything like this will be determined at the discretion of the school and will be communicated with relevant parties by an appropriate staff member.