Rewards systems

At Cheam High School, we use positive reinforcement to inspire and motivate students so that they commit to fully embracing all aspects of school life.

Our rewards system is aligned with our core values and behaviour systems. These are regularly monitored by tutors and year teams so that students’ positive behaviours are frequently recognised and acknowledged.


Rewarding Behaviour for Learning

We want everyone to achieve their full potential. To help us ensure that students are demonstrating the right commitment to their studies, we have a system to reward good behaviour and positive learning attitudes during lessons. 

Each lesson is an opportunity for students to receive reward points where they demonstrate excellent behaviour in the classroom. They can also achieve a star of the lesson; extra-curricular points; commendations and leadership points.

We also recognise students for demonstrating our core values of Respect & Responsibility; Aspiration & Determination; Curiosity & Character both inside and outside of the classroom.

For more information about our core values, please click here.

For more information about IRIS and how to log on and use the system, please click here.

Swapshop graphic


The Swap Shop

Students have the opportunity half termly to use the Swap Shop to exchange their reward points for prizes.

These might include small items such as stationery, sweets or chocolate increasing to larger prizes like cinema tickets or amazon gift cards. In line with our core values, students also have the opportunity to swap their reward points for donations to charity or planting a tree too!


Celebration in assembly or awards

Reward points are reviewed regularly and year teams celebrate excellent behaviour in year group assemblies.

Achievements in extra-curricular activities and out of school activities are also celebrated.  At KS4, students may also be praised via assembly; however, as students get older some appreciate a more private "well done" as an acknowledgement of their hard work.  Students can also earn awards from each subject area as a result of sustained effort, good work or progress.

Nominations are collected for a variety of services or demonstration of commitment each term. Each year group holds a celebration assembly at the end of every term which is an opportunity for everyone to celebrate the success and achievements of individuals, groups and classes. Certificates and prizes are handed out for effort, behaviour, attendance and demonstrating the core values.


Achievement postcards

Parents/carers can be informed of their child’s successes through a postcard which can be sent by any member of staff. This is a preferred method of recognition of year teams too. A copy of this recognition is placed in the student’s file.


Student bulletin/Cheam High Flyer

Outstanding achievements can also be noted in the Cheam High Flyer which is published each week. We encourage all parents/carers to also let us know when their child has achieved something outside of school so that we can give them the recognition they deserve.


Annual prize giving/Sports Awards

Students are awarded prizes for attainment or progress/attitude in subjects as well as prizes for sporting prowess. Prize winners and their parents/carers are invited to the prize giving ceremony held towards the end of the summer term. Sports Awards take place annually also, for students who have made a commitment to represent the school in a particular sport.