Evaluation of SEND Provision

EvaluationWe use a range of measures to evaluate the quality of our SEND and Early Help provision.  Much of this relates to the self-evaluation processes of the school.  


Some of these self-evaluation processes include:

  • Student progress measures through value added, examination outcomes and school data collections
  • Impact of interventions
  • Student voice
  • Lesson observations and scrutiny of the curriculum
  • Book “looks” and drop in visits to lessons
  • Impact of interventions through our Provision Mapping software
  • SEND Review and use of funding, together with other reports to the local governing body


We also use informal feedback from SEND coffee mornings, transition feedback, parents’ evenings and other contact.  Annual Review paperwork also gives us the opportunity for feedback collection.

More formally, we also ask our students and parents/carers to give us feedback on the support they have had.  We draw upon the values expressed in the SEND Charter to inform what we ask. For more information about the SEND Charter, click here.


School Evaluation of SEND provision

The SEND Team will monitor and review provision and its effectiveness as a natural part of their work on an ongoing basis.  However, the school also formally evaluates the progress of SEND provision each year through a report written by the attached leadership member and Trust SENCO which is delivered annually to the governing body. A report is also compiled by the SEND governor drawing on visits and meetings.

 An important part of the evaluation is to consider the progress and well-being of children with SEND.  In considering progress for individual children , the school considers:

  • achievement of targets from EHCP or SEND Support Plan
  • progress in tests and examinations
  • growth in confidence and self-esteem
  • comments from staff regarding attitude to study
  • greater independence in work
  • response to support offered
  • improved behaviour or social integration
  • the individual student’s evaluation of their progress
  • feedback from parents/carers


The school also analyses its examination results and compares the results of SEND students with non SEND students and with national outcomes for SEND and non SEND students.

Performance data can be found inder the Performance section of the website.