Physical Education Arrangements
The Cheam High School site has a gymnasium, fitness room, sports hall and a dance studio which provide excellent facilities as well as two all-weather games areas.
The school also aims to provide a range of other sports opportunities, and for this reason students will have a number of lessons off-site eg athletics and orienteering. Students travel to these venues on foot under supervision. Where transport is required the school uses the school minibuses or hires a coach.
The school has a number of very successful teams and a wide range of extra curricular opportunities for all students, including rock climbing, basketball, street dance and table tennis.
The current PE Kit is listed on the uniform order form, in the student journal and under the uniform section on the website. The department has a “Sick or fit - bring your kit” policy. Thus, students must bring kit to every lesson, even if they can’t actively take part*, for the following reasons:
- Students will be supervised by staff at all times. This means that students will accompany their group to the lesson. If the lesson is taking place outside, changing into kit will ensure that their school uniform remains clean and dry for the rest of the day.
- All students are required to take an active role in lessons. Students who are unable to participate are required to assist staff in refereeing, coaching and evaluating. Bringing kit to all lessons will allow all students to take an active role and enhance their learning within the subject.
* However, students with serious injuries accompanied by a medical certificate, who are unable to change will not be required to wear kit.
In addition, for all students:
- If students forget to bring an item of kit it can be borrowed from the Department. However, repeated failure to be correctly equipped will result in a sanction.
- All jewellery must be removed before the lesson and long hair tied back.