Our Sixth Form is very large and we pride ourselves on the support we provide for
students' academic and pastoral needs. This includes the individual support provided for each student in terms of their progression onto their next step. To ensure that students are clear of our expectations we have three documents that state what is required from every sixth form student.
Our Sixth Form Learning Agreement contains the expectations that we expect from our students and their parent(s)/carer(s) but also what can be expected from the school in return.
The Post 16 Course Enrolment and Continuation (CEC) Policy is a three tiered support system that is triggered if a student is does not meet the demands of a course. Reasons for being placed on a CEC stage include lack of effort or progress, or poor attendance and attitude.
The Sixth Form Dress code relies on students dressing smartly and appropriately for school. We have identified a list of items that we deem are not suitable.