
It is very important to us that when students leave our Sixth Form they have a plan for their future, be that a place at university, a job or an apprenticeship.

Support is provided for university applications through the UCAS website, and for job and apprenticeship applications.

A range of websites are made use of including UCAS, the National Apprenticeship website and the excellent platform, Unifrog.

We have a number of speakers in assemblies who talk about the different opportunities available to students.

We can also advise students who wish to take a Gap Year and invite speakers from various charitable organisations in to speak about the fantastic opportunities available around the world.


Progression Morning  Progression morning

During the Summer Term, all Year 12 students take part in Progression Morning. This is a dedicated morning to start students on their progression journeys. Students either select to attend a university or apprenticeship workshop where they will begin their UCAS application or create a CV and cover letter.

This morning is supported by staff who are also able to individually discuss options with each student, ensuring they are considering all possible routes.


Next Steps Event

In March we hold our annual Higher Education Next Steps evening, where we invite a number of universities as well as local businesses and apprenticeship providers. This evening allows students and parents/carers to speak to different businesses/universities in order to fully inform our students about their options after Sixth Form.

Last year we sent over 180 students to university and an increasing number of students sought employment via alternative pathways, including apprenticeships. Consequently, we have formed some very strong partnerships with a number of universities and employers over the years.

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Apprenticeship Trip

Every year we take around 50 Year 13 students to The National Apprenticeship Show. This is a fantastic event which gives students an understanding of the opportunities which are available to them and gives them direct access to applications. The students say this is a very helpful and interesting event, showing them how many different companies offer apprenticeships.

Progression trip 1Progression trip 2


For further progression information, please visit our Careers Education, Information and Guidance pages, here.