Information for Parents and Carers

As a parent/carer, you have a key role to play in the decision-making and the general career path your children choose to pursue. Making sure your children are aware and take advantage of all the opportunities available to help set them up for a successful career and a good quality of life, is a challenge for every parent/carer. In partnership with the school, you have an important role to play in helping your child to access information and make decisions about their career paths. We strongly encourage you to play an active role in this process. The resources below should help guide you through all the options available to your child post 16/18.

Please look out for the Weekly 'Careers Matters' articles in the Cheam High Flyer, which include useful information and opportunities for all students.  These articles can also be found here.

Please do not hesitate to contact our Careers Coordinator, Mrs E Francis, if you have any queries you would like to discuss, at

Click on images for full details:

Careermag parent

CareerMag - A useful guide for parents looking at career routes and qualifications.

Next steps in london Next Steps in London Career Pathway Guide - A pan-London project that aims to help young people explore their options and opportunities in the Capital. For many young people, thinking about the next steps can be a daunting task. This guide will help to provide clear information on the pathways and routes to help get young people to where they want to be.

The Parent Perspective - An exciting podcast series for parents and carers, helping them to support their children with careers advice and guidance.

Degree apprenticeships 2025 The Sixth Formers' Guide to Degree Apprenticeships - This essential guide features the very latest information and guidance about degree apprenticeships available in 2025.

Apprenticeships - Help and support all things apprenticeship.

Amazing apprenticeships Amazing Apprenticeships - Higher and Degree Vacancy Listing for 2025
Amazing apprenticeships Amazing Apprenticeships resources - Listen to a range of webinars from industry professionals, including a great webinar on ‘How to impress in the application process’.
Apprenticeships Applying for an Apprenticeship - Your step by step guide
Ucasparent UCAS - This website has specific information on post-16 education. 
Ncsparent National Careers Service - Access to Job profiles, planning tools, labour market information and more.

Parental Guidance - Full of useful information regarding career choices, LMI, application processes and next steps information and help. 

Talkingfutures Talking Futures -  A suite of resources to help parents and carers have constructive careers and education conversations with their children.  It seeks to establish and build on parental engagement in careers decision making and is well worth a look.
Reed careers advice Reed - A Guide to Starting Your Career