Pupil Premium
Schools are given £1050 for every student on their roll that:
- is currently able to claim Free School Meals OR
- has claimed Free School Meals in the last 6 years OR
- is a child of parents serving in the armed forces (£340 allowance only).
In addition, the Local Authority receives £2570 per Looked After Child (in the care of the local authority) which they can use to support Looked After Children’s educational progress and pass onto the school.
This additional funding has been allocated to every school due to national figures which show that these students do not achieve as well as their peers. The funding is therefore to support schools to address the issues faced by these students.
How must this funding be used?
Schools are free to spend the Pupil Premium as they see fit. There is no requirement for this money to be spent on individual students simply because they fall into this category. However, it is expected that the funding will be used to support, as necessary, students in this group so that this group has every opportunity to make the same progress as their peers.
It is important to note that it should not be assumed that all Pupil Premium students need some or all of this support. There are a number of this group of students in this school and elsewhere who are making excellent progress already, and who will need minimal support as a result.
How does the school use this funding?
The school uses this funding to provide the following support structures for those students that need additional help in order to achieve success in line with, or better than, school and national expectations:
- 1-1 and small group intervention in English and Mathematics
- Social skills, self-esteem and other specialised support programmes
- Additional behaviour and learning support
- Attendance related support structures and incentives
- Homework support and independent learning resources
- Financial support for: revision guides and other resources that will help progress and are not needed as part of the taught course; access to school events such as visits or leavers’ events that may otherwise not be accessible to students due to cost
- Alternative provision eg college taster courses or college provision; external agency support
- Mentoring and advice for students in this group, in order to raise aspirations and remove barriers to success
- Close liaison with parents/carers, sharing concerns and celebrating successes.
In addition, staff have been appointed whose role includes specific responsibilities with respect to this group of students. Their role will include monitoring, tracking and ensuring appropriate intervention as needed as well as parental liaison.
The school also provides a nominal £100 sum each year for each student attracting Pupil Premium. Parents/carers can use this sum to enrich educational provision, access additional resources or supplement ICT access.
How will the school measure success?
The school tracks the progress of all students, including students in this particular group. Success will be evidence that shows that students in this group are making better progress than their national peers and also progressing at a similar rate to those not eligible for pupil premium from the same starting points.
Monitoring use of funds
The school reports annually to the governors on how Pupil Premium has been used. In addition, the school reports the comparative progress of different groups to governors, with those receiving pupil premium specifically highlighted.
Pupil Premium performance can be found here
Strategic Planning and Impact
Please find below documents which show the planning to support students eligible for Pupil Premium, together with expenditure of Pupil Premium funding for the current and past years as well as impact and outcomes related to the plan for the previous year.