Learning Agreement
CHS Sixth Form Learning Agreement
The aim of the CHS Sixth Form Learning Agreement is to ensure that every student achieves their very best in their chosen courses and act as a positive role model at Cheam High School.
Your role
As a member of a subject group I will:
- Take an active and positive role in my learning
- Work hard to achieve my Target Grades
- Attend and be punctual for all my lessons
- Hand in assignments/coursework/homework by set deadlines and to the highest possible standard
- Only use the ICT network to support my learning
- Ask staff for help when necessary, in order to gain the maximum benefit from the support available
As a member of a tutor group I will:
- Attend and be punctual for registration and other appointments with my tutor
- Make best use of private study periods
- Attend the weekly assembly for my Year Group
- Ensure that my parent(s)/carer(s) call 0208 254 6857 if absent from school
- Inform my tutor of any issues affecting my learning including change of contact details
- Take an active part in the life of the Sixth Form and tutor group activities
- Gain as many points as possible for the Community Cup
As a member of CHS Sixth Form I will:
- Behave in a courteous and polite manner towards every person in the school
- Treat all areas of the school with respect
- Wear the Sixth Form dress code at all times - including during exam periods
- Aim for 100% attendance to registration and lessons
- Ensure that I do not exceed any more than 12 hours paid part time work per week
- Take responsibility for my actions
- Wear my lanyard/cashless card at all times
I understand that failure to adhere to these expectations may result in some or all of the following:
- My parent(s)/carer(s) will be contacted
- I may be sent home by the Director of Sixth Form
- Be placed in Sixth Form detention
- I may be removed from lessons and placed under the supervision of the Director of Sixth Form for the duration of the day
- I may be placed on report
- Given further sanctions as enforced by the Director of Sixth Form
- I may be placed on the Sixth Form CEC Policy
To fully support their son/daughter parents/carers are expected to:
- Call 0208254 6857 to notify the office of any absence
- Limit the student’s part-time work to 12 hours per week
- Attend parent’s evenings
- Take interest and support their son/daughters’ learning
- Ensure that attendance is 100%
- Ensure that the student attends registration and assemblies
- Ensure that the student leaves home dressed smartly in line with the dress code and wearing their lanyards
The Schools' role
Your subject teachers will:
- Provide you with information about courses
- Mark key pieces of work regularly
- Give you feedback on your progress
- Inform your tutor/Sixth Form Team of any concerns
- Contact your parents/carers as required
- Monitor your attendance to their subject
- Welcome your views about their subject
Your tutor will:
- Monitor your overall progress
- Take the register daily and monitor your attendance to all lessons
- Provide advice and guidance on a range of issues
- Provide enrichment in tutor time
- Talk to staff on your behalf
- Guide you with UCAS applications and other progression routes
- Contact your parents/carers as required
- Pass on messages from staff
You can expect from the Sixth Form:
- Staff to be polite and to treat you courteously
- Well-equipped study areas to assist you with your studies
- Access to a wide range of resources within your courses and the LRC
- A stimulating working environment and good social facilities
- Advice, guidance and support on a range of issues
- To be consulted on a range of Sixth Form teaching and other issues
- Parents/Carers to be contacted if your attendance falls below acceptable levels
- A Sixth Form Council to represent your views and opinions