Special Events

Throughout the year we put on special events in order to build a Sixth Form community and ethos. This is an important part of the Sixth Form and one which staff and students greatly enjoy. Here is a selection of our events:

I'm a Sixth Former get me out of here! Im a celeb 1

Based on the popular TV show I'm a Celebrity Get Me Out of Here, we have set up our very own 'I'm a Sixth Former Get Me Out of Here!  A few chosen Year 12's pit their wits and face their worst fears in a series of challenges set by the SFMT over a number of weeks. 

Challenges in the past have included eating revolting concoctions and putting their hands into buckets filled with nasty surprises!


DoughnutsFreshers Week

Each year this very popular week helps to get our new sixth formers involved and integrated into the school community.

As well as raising money for our chosen charity, the week involves fun events such as doughnut eating competitions, tug of war (weather permitting!) and old school sports.


Christmas tombolaChristmas & Easter Decoration Competition and Tombola

Prior to Christmas & Easter, each tutor group works together to produce the best decoration they can.  Prizes and tutor cup points are awarded for the best decorations.

The Christmas tombola is also a regular feature. All Sixth Form students are asked to bring in  gifts which are wrapped.  Students are able to buy tickets to win a prize and hopefully tick off some Christmas presents!  All proceeds go to Charity.


Extra CurricularExtra curricular 4

We offer Sixth Form students the opportunity to take part in sports including football, table tennis and basketball. These activities are often run by the students and they take part in competitions.

This is a great way for Year 12 and Year 13 students to work together and helps us to create the Sixth Form community.