Student Code of Conduct

Core values icons aspiration     Core values icons respect     Core values icons curiosity

The student code of conduct is shown below and underpins a range of different systems in the school.  The code of conduct gives clear expectations of student conduct, linked to the core values of the school community.

The Student Code of Conduct indicates expectations of behaviour. Students are expected to:


  1. Contribute to a culture of Aspiration and Determination by:
  • working to the best of their ability in lessons and on homework tasks and ensuring that all work is submitted punctually
  • being properly equipped for school
  • attending school and lesson punctually
  • engaging readily with advice, support and targets set by teachers or other staff to help them improve
  • taking a pride in their appearance, being smartly and correctly dressed for any school activity and when travelling to and from school


  1. Contribute to a culture of Respect and Responsibility by:
  • being polite and courteous to each other and refraining from bullying, fighting and name-calling
  • being polite, courteous and honest with staff and listening to and carrying out reasonable instructions first time, every time
  • taking responsibility if there is an issue and engaging appropriately with sanctions set or supportive measures offered to help them develop
  • doing nothing to endanger a healthy, safe and secure environment
  • ensuring forbidden items are not brought to school
  • keeping the school buildings and grounds clean and tidy, moving about in a quiet and orderly manner, avoiding areas which are deemed out of bounds and conducting fire drill in silence
  • behaving in a sensible and courteous manner when travelling to and from school and being polite and courteous to visitors


  1. Contribute to a culture of Curiosity and the development of their Character by:
  • speaking with teachers or other staff regarding any aspect of their learning they are unsure about
  • taking advantage of additional learning opportunities on offer through extra-curricular activities, trips or student leaderships schemes
  • respectfully engaging with staff support to assist with self-development, be this academic or pastoral in nature


Failure to meet these standards will result in sanctions being applied. Further information about the sanctions applied by the school are under the Your Child area of the website.