Year 9 - Blue Year

Welcome to the Blue Year Group - Year 9 - 2024/25

Below you will find just some of the important information that will help support your son/daughter through their third year at Cheam.

There is much more information available within the rest of the website and, as always, please contact the year team directly if you require any specific information.

Our email address is:


Key staff:

Year Leader: Miss Warman

Year Manager: Mrs Lawrence & Mr Chacksfield

Leadership Line Manager: Miss Connolly


Form tutors: 

9AL - Mr Allers

9CQ - Miss Coe

9DO/DB - Mrs O'Doherty/Miss Dibartolo

9GB - Miss Graham-Brown

9HI- Miss Hill

9JM - Miss James

9MA/BV - Mr Martin/Mr Bakas

9NB - Miss Nawab

9OH - Ms O'Hara

9RA - Miss Rotaru

9SD/HA - Ms Sadiq/Mr Harris

9TN - Mr Tomlinson


Key dates:

Year 9 Information Evening - 3rd October

Prizegiving - 14th November

Year 9 Subject Teacher Meeting - 15th May

Year 9 Sports Day - 26th June


School day

Year 9 students are encouraged to be at school by 8:20am to ensure a prompt start to the day.

A typical day at Cheam starts with tutor time or assembly and continues until the end of period 5 which is at 3.00pm for Year 9 students.

Tutor time 8.30am - 9.00am
Period 1 9.00am - 10.00am
Period 2 10.00am - 11.00am
Break 11.00am - 11.20am
Period 3 11.20am - 12.20pm
Period 4 12.20pm - 1.20pm
Lunch 1.20pm - 2.00pm
Period 5 2.00pm - 3.00pm

Please note: assembly day for Year 9 is a Wednesday


Extra-curricular opportunities

There are a variety of extra curricular clubs that take place after school as well as homework club and sports matches. Information regarding the wide range of extra curricular clubs that are available can be found here (TBC).

Cashless card payment system

Information regarding the cashless card payment system can be found here.

Uniform expectation

Information regarding the uniform expectation can be found here.