Year 11 - Green Year

Welcome to the Green Year Group - Year 11 - 2024/25

Below you will find just some of the important information that will help support your son/daughter through their GCSE exam year at Cheam.

There is much more information available within the rest of the website and, as always, please contact the year team directly if you require any specific information.

Our email address is:


Key staff:

Year Leader: Miss Gawn

Year Managers: Mrs Henry & Ms Arnold

Deputy Year Leader: Miss Hart

Leadership Line Managers: Mr Oswick & Mr Vosper


Form tutors: 

11BD - Miss Banda

11BE - Miss Bowers

11BW - Mr Bowden

11BZ/MZ - Mrs Boyd/Miss Murrells

11CB - Mr Coomber 

11CD/GD - Miss Coady/Miss Giordano

11FE - Miss Flavelle

11HZ/DM - Miss Hart/Mrs Durgam

11JY - Mr Jayabalan

11KM - Miss Ketheeswaralingam

11RS/SY - Mrs Ross/Miss Syed

11SL - Mr Stanley


Key dates:

Year 11 Information Evening - 30th September

Prizegiving - 23rd November

Year 11 Subject Teacher Meetings - 28th November, 6th February

Year 11 Internal Exams: 14th - 18th October, 9th - 19th December, 24th - 28th February

Year 11 Success Evening:  24th March

Year 11 External Exams:  1st May - 20th June (with contingency day 25th June)


School day:

Year 11 students are encouraged to be at school by 8:20am to ensure a prompt start to the day.

A typical Year 11 day at Cheam starts with tutor time or assembly and continues until the end of period 5 at 3.00pm.

Tutor time 8.30am - 9.00am
Period 1 9.00am - 10.00am
Period 2 10.00am - 11.00am
Break 11.00am - 11.20am
Period 3 11.20am - 12.20pm
Period 4 12.20pm - 1.20pm
Lunch 1.20pm - 2.00pm
Period 5 2.00pm - 3.00pm

Please note: assembly day for Year 11 is a Monday


Extra-curricular opportunities

There are a variety of extra curricular clubs that take place after school as well as homework club and sports matches. Information regarding the wide range of extra curricular clubs that are available can be found here (TBC).

Inter-tutor events - this is updated regularly, keep checking in!

Cashless card payment system

Information regarding the cashless card payment system can be found here.

Uniform expectation

Information regarding the uniform expectation can be found here.

Prom and Last Day Celebrations

Students have started to gain points for the end of year celebrations. This has been achieved through having high attendance, being punctual and promoting the school’s core values. Students need to achieve a total of 3000 points in order to attend both prom and last day events. We are extremely pleased with how students have returned to school and look forward to celebrating all of their hard work at the end of the year. 

Support with Year 11 exams, along with further information about the remainder of the year, can be found here (TBC).