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Year 13 Criminology Trip

Posted: 1/12/23

Year 13 Criminology Trip

The Year 13 Criminology students recently visited The Royal Courts of Justice. They are learning all about the journey from where the crime was committed through to where defendants appeal their case should they be found guilty.

They learnt about the history of the Criminal Justice System and how it can be influenced by politics, as well as key individuals within the courts such as members of the jury, barristers and the judge. Contrary to belief, judges are not obliged to wear the white wigs, which can cost anywhere between £500- £1800!

The students had the opportunity to sit in on real civil and criminal cases, although they had to be silent so we didn’t stay in the court rooms for long! The history and architecture of the building itself was fascinating - in today’s money it would have cost upwards of £200 million to build.

A great day was had by all and we certainly didn’t let the rain dampen our experience.