'Satchel One' (previously known as 'Show My Homework')
Posted: 26/03/24

You may have noticed that Show My Homework, the online platform we use for setting and monitoring homework at Cheam High School, has recently been undergoing a re-branding process. This is nearing completion and the platform is now called Satchel One.
A Satchel One parent/carer account that is linked to your child’s account allows you to see details of the homework tasks they have been given, along with the completion status and any grades awarded.
Our website homepage contains ‘Quick Links’ to the Satchel One login screen:
If you have not yet created your Satchel One parent account, or have any queries, please contact our dedicated email address at the school: satchelone@cheam.sutton.sch.uk (any emails sent to the old smhw@cheam.sutton.sch.uk address will be auto-forwarded).
If you have an existing Show My Homework parent/carer account, you do not need to take any further action.
Additional information regarding Satchel One and homework at Cheam High School can be found on our website here: https://www.cheam.sutton.sch.uk/1058/satchel-one-log-in