Our Geography Department Achieves Quality Mark Award
Posted: 18/09/20

We are delighted and very proud to announce that the department have achieved the Secondary Geography Quality Mark award from the Geographical Association (GA).
This was a year long project and across the country; hundreds of schools apply each year.
The National Moderation Team met this summer to scrutinise all of the applications and were thrilled to inform Miss Squires, Head of Geography, this week that the school had gained the status for the years 2020-23.
An article will be published in the GA magazine in the Spring term and this will be available to read on the school website.
We would like to thank the GA for their very positive feedback, particularly noting the department’s well thought out topics:
“…sequencing and substantive themes for a progressive curriculum that builds on prior knowledge and challenges students, the use of case studies in building students global understanding, the development of skills - especially map skills, the department upholds high expectations, and opportunities for students to engage in extra-curricular activities, including a Geography Ambassadors programme.”