Transport for London
Posted: 15/05/23

Dear Parent/Carer,
Did you know your child could lose their free travel concession if they misbehave on public transport?
There are Safer Transport Teams (STT’s) covering every borough in the Capital and patrol on and around the bus network. STT police patrol the bus network on a daily basis to ensure that young people using the network are safe, and are behaving in a considerate and respectable manner in line with travelling on a public transport system. Transport for London (TfL) have devised a Behaviour Code which they expect all young people to adhere to at all times when they are travelling on public transport. This code is in place to ensure everyone travels safely with due respect for fellow passengers, staff and property.
If a young person is found to be in breach of the code by an STT officer they may be warned about their behaviour, have a letter sent to their parents and/or the parents or guardian visited at home by the STT. TfL will be informed of all incidents of misconduct to consider the withdrawal of the young persons free travel concession. If it is removed, TfL may consider offering the young person the opportunity to earn this concession back by performing some form of volunteer work. However each case will be considered on its own merits.
It is therefore imperative that you as parents or guardians make your child aware of the Behaviour Code and the consequences of breaking it!
When on London’s public transport network or premises, always:
Act sensibly and treat others as you would like to be treated. Your free travel concession may be withdrawn if we believe that you have behaved in an antisocial way.
Antisocial behaviour includes, but is not limited to
- Putting your safety or the safety of others at risk
- Use of offensive or threatening language
- Behaving offensively, bullying or threatening others
- Smoking
- Playing music out loud
- Damaging or defacing an Oyster photocard or using a damaged or defaced oyster photocard
- Letting anyone else use your Oyster photocard
- Committing any crime on, or in connection with, London’s public transport network, in particular, but not limited to:
-Physical or verbal assault;
-unlawfully carrying a weapon;
-criminal damage or trespass on London’s public transport network or premises;
-theft, robbery or burglary;
-misusing controlled drugs
Remember to always touch in with your Oyster photocard at the start of every journey. If you don’t you could lose your free travel.