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Year 7 Sponsored Walk

Posted: 20/06/24

Year 7 Sponsored Walk

It's nearly time for the Year 7 Inter-tutor Sponsored Walk 2024!

Each year at Cheam High, Year 7 students take part in a sponsored walk event.  In the event, students complete as many laps of a 500m loop on the school astro-turf as they can, earning points for their tutor group with each lap.  Students can also earn additional points through completing games and challenges which are stationed nearby the walking route.

In keeping with our recent International Evening, this year’s theme will be Walk the World – students will be seeing if they can walk the distance from London to other cities around the world.  Between them, can they walk the 1000 kilometres to Lisbon or even the near 1500 kilometres to Rome…?


Full details will be emailed to parents/carers, but here are the key points:

  • The walk will take place on Tuesday 2nd July 2024, during Games lessons at school.
  • Students should attend school in their full PE kit on this day, ready to walk as far as they can!  All other lessons will take place as normal.
  • We ask for a minimum of £1 p/student to take part (although we never exclude anyone from taking part on grounds of cost). Your child can bring this in, in cash, for their tutor, or you can transfer the money on Parent Pay here.
  • The money raised will be split equally between local charity Jigsaw 4 U and improvements to our playground facilities.
  • Download a sponsorship form for family and friends here.  Paper copies will also be offered to students in tutor time in the week prior to the event.
  • The deadline for sponsorship to be collected is Friday 5th July.


We thank you, as always, for your support of the school and will update you as to students’ progress.