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Year 10 Visit to Westminster Abbey and the Supreme Court

Posted: 5/07/24

Year 10 Visit to Westminster Abbey and the Supreme Court

Last Wednesday, a group of Year 10 PRE students went to visit two significant sights in London as part of their course. The day began with a visit to Westminster Abbey, the sight of many significant events in our nation’s history, most recently the Coronation. The students were able to see the Coronation chair and investigated the tombs of the monarchs who are buried there. They discovered that the oldest tomb belonged to Edward the Confessor who was buried there in 1066. They also got to experience the Abbey as a place of worship when mid-day prayers were said.

After lunch, the group visited the Supreme Court, where they were able to sit in on a case being heard by the Court Justices. The case was centred on the question of whether the police had a duty of care, following a tragic car accident. Students were also able to sit in the Judge's chairs and have a moment pretending they were making important legal decisions. When asked about the best thing from the trip, one student stated "I was really impressed by the way they argued in court. They were so respectful."

The trip finished with a walk along Whitehall to stop outside Downing Street and Horse Guards’ Parade, before the journey home. The legal eagles will follow up the trip with a ‘respectful’ mock trial based on the case they witnessed.