Posted: 9/01/25
With the New Year upon us we really want to promote the importance of attendance and punctuality and, hopefully, add it to a list of New Year’s resolutions.
For the vast majority of our students this is not a concern however, some students arrive late to school which is a growing concern. As a result of this, we have liaised with other local high schools and will be introducing a new initiative that has proved successful in improving punctuality.
From January 2025 if a student arrives late to school (after the gates are shut at 8.30am) and has to sign in via the school office the following actions will be taken:
• Their mobile phone will be handed in and stored in theschool office, they will be given a numbered card which needs to be kept safe.
• Students will then sit a break time detention in the blue hut and will be handed their phone back on completion of the detention.
We appreciate your support with this matter and ultimately want our students to be well equipped for life beyond school where lateness in the workplace is not tolerated.
It is also important to note that professional judgements will be made and we understand that some situations are unavoidable and therefore these will be dealt with on an individual basis.