National Apprenticeship Week
Posted: 12/02/25

In the lead up to National Apprenticeship Week, the Sixth Form have hosted a variety of external speakers in assemblies, ranging from ex-students to apprenticeship providers. This continues into next half-term when we welcome a representative from Investment 20/20 to deliver an assembly to both year groups.
As part of National Apprenticeship Week this week, students in both Year 12 and Year 13 have attended assemblies and tutor sessions about this event. In assembly, Mrs Pridding spoke about the variety of apprenticeships available to students when they leave the Sixth Form and what the different apprenticeship levels mean. Meanwhile Miss Irvine put together an invaluable resource for tutors to share with their tutees, the presentation included Cheam High apprenticeship success stories as well as promoting current apprenticeship vacancies. All current opportunities were accompanied by a QR code for students to scan in order to read more about how to apply for each. This will also be shared with all Sixth Formers on Satchel:one.
On Tuesday 11th February, Mrs Pridding and Miss Irvine took 48 Year 13 students to the National Apprenticeship Show at Sandown Racecourse.
The show hosted a variety of employers, apprenticeship providers and universities showcasing opportunities in a lively, interactive and informative setting.
Students had the opportunity to take part in physical challenges provided by The British Army and competitions led by British Airways, as well as speaking to exhibitors from Pfizer, AWE, Lidl and many more. It was lovely to see so many students engaged in conversations about their future prospects.
The students came away with a deeper understanding about the different apprenticeship pathways available to them after Sixth Form and the next steps they need to take.