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Last Week’s Assembly

Posted: 20/03/25

Last Week’s Assembly

Last week’s assemblies were all about...SANDWICHES!

Perhaps for the first time in the history of school assemblies, a live Sandwich Battle was held between Mr Vosper and a student helper on one side, and student volunteers on the other. Each side had 15 minutes to see who could produce the tastiest sandwich.

Of course, the battle was a little rigged… Whilst Mr Vosper and his helper had the finest ingredients available to create a mozzarella and bruschetta sandwich (complete with fresh herbs from the school gardens) and were equipped with a kitchen knife, garlic crush, cheese grater and even a sandwich toaster, the other side were given such delicious sandwich ingredients as a leek, a lime and an old banana… Meanwhile their sandwich making equipment was limited to giant ladle and a rolling pin. Naturally, Mr Vosper and helpers were victorious in every battle with Sam in Year 11 declaring: ‘this is genuinely the best sandwich I’ve ever eaten!’


Success in your education and in your life, is much like making a good sandwich: you need the right recipe, the right equipment and the right ingredients. And just like Mr Vosper, sometimes you need others to help you. Of course, students can’t buy the equipment or ingredients for their success from Sainsbury’s: their success must come from within and their Aspiration & Determination to do their very best and achieve their goals. We will always be here to help them when needed!

A special thank you and well done to all of our student sandwich makers.